life rules

I’ve found that the worst periods of my life tend to be when I’m stuck in no man’s land, without a clue what I enjoy, who my friends are, or what I stand for. Inspired by a close friend of mine who recently quit doing drugs and adopted a whole new life philosophy, I’ve decided to write up my own little list of life rules. The concept of this is that these “rules” are more like loose guidelines and things you know to be true. They will likely change with time to reflect who you’ve grown to be. They are things that make you feel centered, values you’ve structured your life around, and goals for your future. When you’re feeling lost in the storm, it helps to have a written reminder of who you are and why you’re still trying.

My life rules are as follows:

Care about things, because apathy will never satisfy you.
Question everything.
Read books.
Don’t do anything without a reason.
If you have to lie about something, it’s probably not worth it.
Breathe fresh air every day.
Never miss an opportunity to learn.
Celebrate every silly little thing.
Be present.
Wake up early sometimes and watch the sunrise.

I wrote them down on a piece of paper, added some color and doodles, and taped it to my closet door. I can see it when I wake up, from my desk and bed, and whenever I walk into the room. I also have a note of it on my phone. In the two weeks since I’ve created it, it’s brought me a surprising sort of comfort and inspiration. I hear the words in my head when I feel myself slipping into bad habits: “be present. question everything. celebrate.” It may not have the same effect on everyone, but if you try it, I would love to hear your list and how it works for you! In a world that is constantly changing, knowing what you stand for can be an anchor that keeps you from floating astray.

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